Friday 22 July 2011


It may be a cliche, but life is short and we should really make the most out of it. Last July 11, 2011, our friend Candice Warren, store manager for NES Clothing, passed away in the US. Even though we weren't that tight, Candice always had a way of making me feel special and beautiful whenever she sees me. She was one of those people who was always sincere when paying you a compliment, and she gave the nicest hugs. I remember always dropping by NES just to see her. She'd get me to try things I wouldn't normally pick for myself, and surprisingly they'd look amazing on me! She was always rocking it up in her little dresses and boots that showed her amazing figure. A boxing enthusiast, the day before she left for the US, she told me I should go boxing with her when she comes back. If I had known that was the last time I would see her, I would've hugged her much longer.

We went to her funeral last Wednesday, and boy was it the chicest funeral ever! Just fitting for someone as amazing, beautiful, stylish, and kind as Candy. Her funeral was really packed, and the long line of cars from Temple View to the cemetery just shows how many lives she has touched. 

I guess it's almost funny how death catches us by surprise. Candy was as healthy as can be and her passing shocked a lot of people. Even though we are all mourning the loss of such a special person, I hope we could all take a cue from Candice and actually start living. She lived her 24 years to the fullest and her achievements made everyone, especially her family, extremely proud. 

We may not realise it, but we are all fragile. Ours is a finite earth, says the 7 environmental principles. So is our lives. I can go on and on with different cliches, but it all comes down to this: We will not be here forever and we only have one life to live.

So I guess it's time we actually start to live our lives to the fullest. Life is beautiful, and we have today. There is no better day than today because like what that song by Pitbull and Neyo, we actually "might not get tomorrow". Tell your folks you love them. Be nice to your siblings. Thank your friends for keeping you sane. Take a chance. Get that chiffon skirt from Supre. Spend all your money (Okay, maybe not all. . .). Do what you want to do (As long as you're not hurting anyone in the process) and really treat each day as if it were your last. Most importantly, be happy. . It’s never too late to live the life you want and it’s never too late to be the person you want to be.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be alive as opposed to merely living.


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