Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Highs and Lows


- Focusing and working hard on personal goals I want to achieve before the end of the year.
- Slowly getting my bike together. Cannot wait to get it finished!
- Good buys lately including a signed illustration book from the book fair and vintage shoes from the ops. 

Lows : 
- The Checks breaking up and the fact that they won't be making music and performing together makes me super sad. 
- Keeping it cut and missing a friend. 


- Getting an A in an assignment I did the night before!
- Doing that thing I've always wanted to do.
- Best friends being there for each other through thick and thin
-That hipster meme page on Facebook!!

- Rude service at my local Mcdonalds
- Weather being sunny and then rainy in a span of an hour
- Not having time to do Zumba

We declare Wednesdays to be Highs and Lows day! 

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